Contact us

If you need more information or have special requests, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to fulfill your requests!

Use the numbers indicated, send us an email or fill out the form on the side, we will reply as soon as possible.

Artigianato Pelletteria dal 1978

Leather Factory – Showroom

Italy – Via delle Fornaci, 165
Roma – 00165

Tel.: +39 06 39377912
Cel: +39 348 3822949

Opening hours: 14/10 – 20/16

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Country (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    Please write the model of your Bag or Accessory (required)

    Write the desired color

    Your note

    Visit the point of sale at 360 ° with google cardboard glasses
